You can't love someone when you don't love yourself. How much truth is in there?
I spent a decade or more hating myself, but I also started dating when I was 12 which has been a decade as well. And I am sure I loved a few of the people that I was dating as well. Some more, some less.
However, was the love I was giving them actually appropriate? Was it genuine? Was it balanced and fair? - Rather not.
I need a lot of love. That's what my ex always used to tell me.
Because my own self-esteem and my own self-love is so low, I always had to be in a relationship to feel just a slight bit of loved or wanted. I tried to compromise my lack of self-love with someone from the outside trying to fill up that empty cup.
Did that work? Maybe for a while. Until it turned into a toxic, codependent, self-destructive, painful relationship with more often than not a tragic ending.
Yes, I was able to love. No, I wasn't able to give the love they deserved. Yes I wanted to feel loved, no their love could never give me the love I truly needed because it had to come - from myself
What do you think can you love someone when you don't love yourself? Let me know in the comments below and as always take care my lovelies.
ve someone when you don't love yourself. How much truth is in there?
I spent a decade or more hating myself, but I also started dating when I was 12 which has been a decade as well. And I am sure I loved a few of the people that I was dating as well. Some more, some less.
However, was the love I was giving them actually appropriate? Was it genuine? Was it balanced and fair? - Rather not.
I need a lot of love. That's what my ex always used to tell me.
Because my own self-esteem and my own self-love is so low, I always had to be in a relationship to feel just a slight bit of loved or wanted. I tried to compromise my lack of self-love with someone from the outside trying to fill up that empty cup.
Did that work? Maybe for a while. Until it turned into a toxic, codependent, self-destructive, painful relationship with more often than not a tragic ending.
Yes, I was able to love. No, I wasn't able to give the love they deserved. Yes I wanted to feel loved, no their love could never give me the love I truly needed because it had to come - from myself
What do you think can you love someone when you don't love yourself? Let me know in the comments below and as always take care my lovelies.
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